Grey hair with well trimmed matching beard but there is nothing grey about me try to live life to the full enjoy my life. enjoy going to the pub for a social evening. like my garden. By the way a

Guinnesspete: do not judge a book by its cover...
Seeking: 女 年龄 30 到 55
Status: 75 离婚 直行 男
Interest In: 长期的关系
Ethnicity: 白人/高加索人
Living: 独自生活
Eye Catcher: 头发
Height: 5'8 英寸
Body: 平均
Hair/Eyes: 朋克莫霍克, 其他
Smoke: 是的,我吸烟
Drink: 只有社交
Exercise 有时
Politics: 保守
Education: 副学士学位
Religion: 不可知论
Income: $25,001至$45,000
Occupation: Semiretired
Offspring: 没有
Personality: 害羞
Country: United Kingdom

Grey hair with well trimmed matching beard but there is nothing grey about me try to live life to the full enjoy my life. enjoy going to the pub for a social evening. like my garden. By the way as I live alone can cook, iron and even at a push keep my home tidy

Cooking  Garden  Tv