Hello, my name is nielsen from philippines.. i am a student.. i have a baby at a young age. . i am a student.. going to college next month.. i never live in my parents. i am living in my aunts ho

Rodababe: hello...
Seeking: 男 年龄 41 到 59
Status: 32 单 直行 女
Interest In: 活动伙伴
Ethnicity: 亚洲
Living: 无家可归
Eye Catcher: 眼睛
Height: 5'3 英寸
Body: 枯瘦
Hair/Eyes: 黑色, 棕色
Smoke: 没门
Drink: 偶尔
Exercise 有时
Politics: 保守
Education: 一些学院
Religion: 基督教
Income: 低于15,000美元
Occupation: Did Not Say
Offspring: 1个孩子
Personality: 害羞
Country: Philippines

Hello, my name is nielsen from philippines.. i
am a student.. i have a baby at a young age.
. i am a student.. going to college next month..
i never live in my parents. i am living in my aunts house
because i am a part of broken family..
i havent seen my father since i was born.,
thanks for reading my profile..niels
