Hi Gay I am gay i am disablied .. cerebral palsy i am intelligent and artist my couse is Diploma In Interactive Media From Apteah Karachi. i am single 27 disabled hindu gay ...................i need y

Rakeshkumarman138: rakesh kumar...
Seeking: 男 年龄 25 到 36
Status: 30 单 同性恋者 男
Interest In: 友谊
Ethnicity: 白人/高加索人
Living: 独自生活
Eye Catcher: 眼睛
Height: 5'5 英寸
Body: 平均
Hair/Eyes: 黑色, 黑色
Smoke: 最近退出
Drink: 只有社交
Exercise 有时
Politics: 没有答案
Education: 高中辍学
Religion: 印度教
Income: 低于15,000美元
Occupation: Rakesh Kumar Man
Offspring: 孩子不在家
Personality: 疯狂性感酷
Country: Pakistan

Hi Gay I am gay i am disablied .. cerebral palsy i am intelligent and artist my couse is Diploma In Interactive Media From Apteah Karachi. i am single 27 disabled hindu gay ...................i need younger gay ...... i want marry with you i am single . you will bring for me ....... who will relationship me .... i want marry with you.........thank you....... i am in Pakistan…. when i will go to usa . who is care me ..... who will help me …. I would be on the streets …….. I am alone ……..You are trying my ABOUT ……..Where is my boyfriend , , , I will show ur picture face
