单身 Male in United States, ,单打 Alabama, alger Male

Kh123001: on line...
Seeking: 女 年龄 18 到 18
Status: 42 单 直行 男
Interest In: 友谊
Ethnicity: 拉丁裔/西班牙
Living: 独自生活
Eye Catcher: 武器
Height: 4'6 英寸
Body: 运动和肌肉
Hair/Eyes: 非洲, 黑色
Smoke: 是的,我吸烟
Drink: 永远不要碰它
Exercise 一周2次
Politics: 没有
Education: 研究生学位
Religion: 伊斯兰教
Income: 低于15,000美元
Occupation: Did Not Say
Offspring: 没有
Personality: 爱冒险的
Country: United States

Girls are like
apples on trees. The best
ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys dont want to reach for
the good ones because they are afraid
of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they
just get the rotten apples from the ground
that arent as good, but easy. So the apples
at the top think something is wrong with
them, when in reality, theyre amazing.