I am honest loving carding respectable decent love meeting socialising with people spending time with family love the outdoors movies music braai I love kids passion to animals I love nature till

Jeanadriaans: hey any good ladys out their...
Seeking: 女 年龄 18 到 43
Status: 36 单 直行 男
Interest In: 长期的关系
Ethnicity: 白人/高加索人
Living: 和父母住在一起
Eye Catcher: 武器
Height: 5'5 英寸
Body: 平均
Hair/Eyes: 黑色, 黑色
Smoke: 是的,我吸烟
Drink: 永远不要碰它
Exercise 有时
Politics: 没有
Education: 一些学院
Religion: 基督教
Income: $15,001至$25,000
Occupation: Security Officer
Offspring: 1个孩子
Personality: 搞笑
Country: South Africa

I am honest loving carding respectable decent love meeting socialising with people spending time with family love the outdoors movies music braai I love kids passion to animals I love nature till its roots I am a site senior in the security industry but business minded I am very much loyal open minded
