Im a hopeless romantic that likes to have fun. I dont think that just because you believe in romance, everything has to be all sappy and mushy all the time. I definitely feel if youre romantically in

Georgegillis6: i am honestly god fearing woman...
Seeking: 女 年龄 35 到 80
Status: 61 单 直行 男
Interest In: 长期的关系
Ethnicity: 白人/高加索人
Living: 和我的孩子一起生活
Eye Catcher: 武器
Height: 5'9 英寸
Body: 平均
Hair/Eyes: 金发, 蓝色
Smoke: 没门
Drink: 永远不要碰它
Exercise 一周4次
Politics: 自由主义的
Education: 研究生学位
Religion: 不可知论
Income: $65,001至$85,000
Occupation: Building Transformer
Offspring: 没有
Personality: 传出
Country: United States

Im a hopeless romantic that likes to have fun. I dont think that just because you believe in romance, everything has to be all sappy and mushy all the time. I definitely feel if youre romantically involved with someone you should be able to share your thoughts and feelings on an array of to laugh, love life, adore my Handsome Son. I never take things to seriously. I never complain just do what needs to happen. Friendship is earned.

Loving  Outgoing