I am simple sweet and loving woman Love life my family and friends Active and positive I believe in goodness in people I believe in honesty loyalty and respect I am the woman who supports and cares

Bluemeangie: a responsibible man is enough for m...
Seeking: 男 年龄 45 到 43
Status: 39 单 直行 女
Interest In: 婚姻
Ethnicity: 白人/高加索人
Living: 独自生活
Eye Catcher: 屁股
Height: 5'5 英寸
Body: 平均
Hair/Eyes: 金发, 棕色
Smoke: 没门
Drink: 偶尔
Exercise 一周2次
Politics: 没有答案
Education: 研究生学位
Religion: 基督教
Income: $15,001至$25,000
Occupation: Nurse
Offspring: 2个孩子
Personality: 爱冒险的
Country: United Kingdom

I am simple sweet and loving woman Love life my family and friends Active and positive I believe in goodness in people I believe in honesty loyalty and respect I am the woman who supports and cares about other people I like deep conversations and my friends always tell me that I am a good listener

Cooking  Movies  Swimming