I am a Filipina searching for soulmate here I am a down to earth person Some say I am a spontaneous person but truly Im an ordinary girl full of sense of humor

Airam.Anig: love is lifes greatest doctor...
Seeking: 男 年龄 51 到 65
Status: 56 单 直行 女
Interest In: 婚姻
Ethnicity: 亚洲
Living: 和父母住在一起
Eye Catcher:
Height: 5'0 英寸
Body: 平均
Hair/Eyes: 黑色, 黑色
Smoke: 没门
Drink: 偶尔
Exercise 有时
Politics: 没有
Education: 一些学院
Religion: 基督教
Income: $15,001至$25,000
Occupation: None
Offspring: 没有
Personality: 穆迪
Country: Philippines

I am a Filipina searching for soulmate here I am a down to earth person Some say I am a spontaneous person but truly Im an ordinary girl full of sense of humor

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