just got outta jail i was caught with a gun but befro tha I was in juvenile detection then I got out an went back all to gether i did 5 years an 7 days i was 14 when I first got locked up

Yoitskane: tryin ta get to know someone crazy 🤪...
Seeking: No Answer 年龄 19 到 21
Status: 20 单 直行 男
Interest In: 活动伙伴
Ethnicity: 白人/高加索人
Living: 与室友住在一起
Eye Catcher: 胸部
Height: 5'4 英寸
Body: 运动和肌肉
Hair/Eyes: 棕色, 其他
Smoke: No Answer
Drink: 永远不要碰它
Exercise 一周2次
Politics: 没有
Education: 一些高中
Religion: 没有偏好
Income: 低于15,000美元
Occupation: I Was Caught A Gun F
Offspring: 没有
Personality: 搞笑
Country: United States

just got outta jail i was caught with a gun but befro tha I was in juvenile detection then I got out an went back all to gether i did 5 years an 7 days i was 14 when I first got locked up

Weed Money Fun Chill Vibes  

  • 你不仅仅是 5 Miles 远离我。
  • 你是 不是 年龄之间 19 和 22.