Been into a relationship twice Need a presentable,goodlooking woman which can lead to a marriage

Kevyking: hello sexy ladies...
Seeking: 女 年龄 24 到 30
Status: 29 单 双性恋 男
Interest In: 短期关系
Ethnicity: 亚洲
Living: 独自生活
Eye Catcher: 犊牛
Height: 5'4 英寸
Body: 枯瘦
Hair/Eyes: 黑色, 黑色
Smoke: 偶尔冒烟
Drink: 偶尔
Exercise 有时
Politics: 没有
Education: 副学士学位
Religion: 基督教
Income: 低于15,000美元
Occupation: Any
Offspring: 没有
Personality: 幽默
Country: Kenya

Been into a relationship twice Need a presentable,goodlooking woman which can lead to a marriage

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