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Look for a nice lady
i will tell you later...
61 / M / Copperas Cove Texas
Am here
it is my pleasure meeting you; my names are lieutenant shaye lynne haver.; ...
33 / F / Copperas Cove Texas
Im looking for my life partner.
i am a cheerful man who no matter what life throws at him he is able to sta...
35 / M / Copperas Cove Texas
ברכות לך
זה התענוג שלי לפגוש אותך קוראים לי סגן קין מקסוול אני בן 32 מקופרס קוב טקס...
34 / F / Copperas Cove Texas
hit me up
im very outgoing i have a great personality i live life to the fullest ever...
38 / F / copperas cove Texas
i love ink and i plan on getting more in also have piercings and plan on ge...
47 / F / Copperas cove Texas
Help me found my other half please
hello ladys im been married for 10 years have 2 girls 17 22 years old 2 gra...
51 / M / Copperas Cove Texas